V I S U A L I S E / M A N I F E S T / Y O U R / Y E A R / 2 0 2 2

It can seem overwhelming on the eve of a brand new year to think about how to plan ahead when everything has been turned upside down over the past twelve months. Where do you start? How do you plan? The thought of doing another list or a call to action can be daunting. Equally setting yourself unrealistic goals that might not work out can leave you deflated before you have even begun. So here is a simple and effective New Year's Eve ritual from Meadowsweet Wellbeing to help you gain insight to how you want the new year ahead, to look for you.

Take a selection of magazines if you have them. Alternatively you could set up a virtual board up via Pinterest online. I decided to use magazines that I have collected over the Autumn/Winter months. Pop on the Meadowsweet Wellbeing Winter playlist and begin to look through at images that call out to you and begin snipping or pasting away.


Maybe you want to move home, buy a new car. Re- design your garden, change jobs, travel, find new relationships, be nearer to family. Take up a new hobby, write a book, start your own business, move abroad, re-train in a new field of work, become healthier.

Look at the pictures and colours that stand out to you, even certain words. Envisage your year ahead and how you would like it to look. If you want to re-design your garden, what functions and areas do you want it to have? Are there particular plants, or maybe a small home-grown patch? Visually what inspires you from amongst the pages. What images bring joy and align with what your mind would like to see happen for you in 2022.

Once you are finished. Take a step back and view them all. Is there a pattern emerging? Did you see a repeat of more than one thing? What words were powerful. Are there things that you missed out on this past year? How can you make it work for you in 2022? You will be surprised at what a vision board can reveal.

Next place them on a wall so that you can take a step back and see the larger picture. If you created yours in Pinterest see if you can make it a desktop/wallpaper saver so that every time you log on you see your vision/mood board there as a reminder.

I have put mine into a large picture frame to hang in my living space as a reminder of what I am aiming for in 2022.

By creating intent through these images, you are activating your sub-conscious to help guide you. Mood boards tend to be more specific for things such as interiors and garden design. Whereas a vision board's purpose is to help manifest the opportunities and landscape of what you desire to bring into your life. However there is nothing wrong with a blend of the two meeting on your board, sometimes that is the universe showing you that both are important in your life.

Whatever the year ahead holds in store for you. I hope that this simple and easy vision board will help you feel boosted to look at what matters to you and the changes you want to see happen. Manifest your year, your way.

NY eve wishes

Mel x