Festive thoughts

“In a world where you can be anything. Be kind`”

Yet how much kindness do we extend to ourselves. If I were to ask you to write down the top five things that were important to you, would you even include yourself amongst this list.? Let alone put yourself right at the top!

There has been a definite shift this year in what we value most, what truly is important to us and how we want to make our festive celebrations more meaningful, less wasteful, more connected, less materialistic. More wholesome.

The high streets still bustle with shoppers desperate to find normality in the ritual of physical buying whilst endless Christmas music loops in their ears, twinkling window displays calling them to step inside and continue as normal. ‘Just buy one more thing and all will be well.’ Promise?

We are more aware of sustainable practices, carbon foot print, plastics in our oceans and chemicals in our skin and body care that leak into waters and rivers. Eco friendly this and environmentally friendly that, the choice to feel righteous in our ethical purchase over mass produced tat can at times quite frankly be overwhelming, exhausting and demoralising. Yet so needed.

Magazines shout out about the need for a healthy Christmas . A subtle squeeze of pressure for the fragile ego (and waistline) The perfect table spread, the organic recipes and homemade fare. Did you start your Christmas cake back in October?

Sometimes we just need to take that step back and do what feels right for us.

Craft out our own traditions, for our families ,for our mental wellbeing.

We all know what over indulgence can make us feel like, both financially and health wise. We can choose to make this festive break about what matters most to us and what feels important. Perhaps by switching off from the endless call to action from the media, we may find that quiet space to think about how we can reduce the overload and create mini rituals to sustain us through to the month of January. A little lighter in pocket and less heavy in tiredness.

With hearts warmed by relaxed gatherings without the stress, to feel the tension ease out of the door. Small notes of appreciation, a hand baked biscuit or potted bulb for spring. Tactile, earth bound and nurturing these are a few of my favourite things.