
We have watched our world shrink away from touch. We are becoming increasingly averse to it. Yet it is fundamental to our health both physically and mentally. From the time we enter this world to the time that we leave it we will have received touch. It is at the primal core of who we are.

Touch can reassure us in times of distress. It can help us feel connected and cared for. We feel loved when we receive touch. On a biological level it helps create seretonin which gets released into our system and is the feel good hormone. It enables our brain cells to communicate with our nervous system.

As part of my ongoing professional development CPD. I am lucky to be studying to become a Trusted Touch Practitioner with @trustedtouch This is something I have had simmering away in the background for awhile but feel now is the time to focus on completing my studies.

Especially as we navigate through the Covid landscape where touch is vital to everyone including the elderly, medically vulnerable and those in lonely deprived or isolated situations.

The core principal works on using touch in a purely consentual and platonic way to help reduce anxiety, promote healing and wellness within individuals, tailoring sessions to their unique circumstances or needs.

It is an interesting course to study and I am learning so much about the skin. Its layers and how the nervous system responds through sensory touch and pressure.

I look forward to sharing more as I progress.