M I N D F U L | P H O T O G R A P H Y & W A L K S | I N | N A T U R E

What have you been doing in a mindful way with your photography? Have you found a favourite place to visit and capture what you see? What about outside your window? We certainly have seen the seasons change quite dramatically since I last wrote a post on here.

I looked back at the warmth rising in May when I did a little mindful film. See the attached mini film.

Everything was a lush green, but then as the months progressed we began to see the stark reality of prolonged high temperatures, no rain and how those factors affected our landscape. The trees have suffered too because of this. I couldn't believe it when my good friend from @balanceharmonyyoga and I took a walk at Lardon Chase and certain species were showing signs of stress with their leaves curled crisp and brown in vast numbers along the path as though we were in Autumn!

Anyway, talking of trees, walks and woodlands. I am very excited to share that as part of my ongoing development in holistic therapies (meadowsweet wellbeing) photography, filming and mindfulness. I am training with Ian from Cotswold Natural Mindfulness & Forest Bathing as a Natural Mindfulness Practitioner & Guide. Which I can't wait to begin so that I can share this with those who need it.

Also after completing an introduction certificate in Forest Bathing. It became clear to me how vital our connection with nature is for our physical and mental health. Understanding how trees communicate and network,helped me gain clarity around how important walks in nature are for our wellbeing.

What do you find helps when you are in nature? Does your breathing slow? Do you feel your shoulders relax? What are the differences in your mood from when you are back at home or work?

Until the next post. Enjoy the last of these Summer days, before Autumn starts to arrive with a whole new set of wonder!

๐Ÿงก๐Ÿ‚ Melita X